The NBA draft is an annual event in which 30 franchises at the National Basketball Association choose new players for their teams. The eligibility rules for potential players have changed several times during league history. No player has signed a contract with the NBA until they are 19 or older. The rule has resulted in a one-and-finished player who plays college basketball for a year before declaring for the draft.
Video Eligibility for the NBA draft
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In the early days of the NBA, three players entered the NBA without playing in college (although one of them did not enter the league until he was 39 years old). However, the league finally established a rule that "the player can not make himself available" for the draft until two years after his high school graduation.
Maps Eligibility for the NBA draft
Haywood v. NBA
The first major challenge for the NBA eligibility rules came from Spencer Haywood. He graduated from high school in 1968, when new students were not allowed to play university sports for NCAA member schools. He played three years at Colorado junior college, followed by a season at the University of Detroit. After the 1970-71 season, he left college for the NBA rivals at the time, the ABA, which has no rules restricting the lower league graduates entering the league, and has a tremendous successful rookie season with the Denver Rockets (predecessor to the Denver Nuggets today) , named ABA's Rookie of the Year and MVP. Toward the end of the season, he was 21 years old; Shortly after his expiration, he refused his contract with the Rockets, claiming he had been cheated. Haywood then signed a contract with the now defunct Seattle SuperSonics, which puts him and the Sonics on the collision track with the NBA, as he has only been released three years from his high school graduation.
The NBA threatened to disallow contracts and impose sanctions on the Sonics. Haywood responded by filing an antitrust lawsuit against the league, seeking orders to prevent the NBA from banning contracts or punishing the Sonics. The case eventually reached the US Supreme Court, which passed a 7-2 decision to support Haywood in 1971.
Following the decision, the NBA allows players to leave campus early as "difficult cases", which basically means that players must prove financial difficulties. This rule quickly evolved into one of the observed in offenses, with the author of a magazine Sport who commented Jackie Lapin in the 1970s that "Almost everyone who has mastered the game in the last decade will qualify [as case difficulties] - with the possible exception of Bill Bradley, the son of a banker. "
Next history
As a consequence of Haywood's decision, and soon after, three high school students chose to enter the professional ranks without ever enrolling in college. The first was Moses Malone, who went to the ABA after graduating high school in 1974, almost immediately establishing himself as the star of the future. After the ABA-NBA merger in 1976, his career continued on the upward trajectory, eventually resulting in three NBA MVP awards, four appearances in the All-NBA First Team, 12 NBA All-Star Game consecutive NBA titles, Biggest Player in NBA History, and enshrinement at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. In 1975, Darryl Dawkins and Bill Willoughby both went to the NBA from high school. Dawkins has a solid 14-year career in the NBA, while Willoughby is no more than a nomad in eight NBA seasons.
These players are greatly outnumbered by underclassmen who choose to leave early for the NBA. Although subordinate subordinates are too numerous to list, it can be noted that among the 50 Largest Players, 10 (excluding Malone) left college earlier for the NBA.
After Dawkins and Willoughby, there were no high school players direct to the NBA for 20 years, although Lloyd Daniels and Shawn Kemp went to the NBA without playing college basketball (both of whom had enrolled in college, but never played). That will change in 1995 with the coming future of NBA MVP Kevin Garnett, who was voted the fifth overall. The following year, another future MVP in Kobe Bryant and the future All-Star at Jermaine O'Neal is the first choice of high school. Years later, at least one, and many more, high school kids were drawn up, notably Tracy McGrady (1997), Kwame Brown (first high school student who became the number one voter, in 2001), Amar ' e Stoudemire (2002), LeBron James (# 1 in 2003), and Dwight Howard (# 1 in 2004).
However, the influx of high school students caused considerable controversy. When the NBA and its union players negotiated a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in 2005, NBA Commissioner David Stern publicly called for a higher age limit of 20, stating that he wanted a league scout and general manager from a high school gym and that too many people Urban young Americans are mistakenly seeing the NBA as a surefire path to financial fame and security. Most players are opposed to the age limit; Jermaine O'Neal was probably the most squeaky critic, accusing NBA racism. Ultimately, the union grudgingly agrees to the age limit of 19, accepting it in exchange for a tweak on a salary cap rule that benefits the players' interests.
The current eligibility rules are defined under the 2005 NBA (CBA) collective agreement, ending in 2011, which resulted in lockout. The previous CBA, approved in December 2011, did not make any changes to the draft rules, but called on the NBA and its union players to form a committee to discuss draft-related issues. In 2016, the NBA Players Association and the NBA met to work on a new CBA, which the two sides agreed to in December of that year. This latest agreement starts with the 2017-18 season and will run through 2023-24, with each other not coming after 2022-23. The basic rules that began in the 2006 draft are:
- All players recruited must be at least 19 years old during the calendar year of the draft. To determine if a player qualifies for a particular year's draft, subtract 19 from the draft year. If a player is born during or before that year, he or she qualifies.
- Any player who is not an "international player", as defined in the CBA, must be at least one year removed from his high school graduation.
The "one year of high school" requirement is other than the age requirement. For example, although O. J. Mayo was 19 years old in November 2006, six months before high school graduation, he was not eligible until the 2008 draft, a year after his high school class graduated. Stern stated that the rules are related to business and not "social programs", arguing the need to see players working against higher competition before they are evaluated to choose a valuable draft. The rules effectively mandate that players spend at least a year in college. The high school players who will jump directly to the NBA instead play in college for the year it takes before leaving and entering the draft - a phenomenon known as one and done . Some colleges have embraced this rule for their benefit, notably the University of Kentucky, among others. Many of their players have played a mandatory year, going after their new season to get into the draft. The NBA G league (formerly the League of Development) is an alternative to lectures. Players can earn a five-figure salary, but the level of competition may be lower than at the Division I level in college. Some players, especially Brandon Jennings, also play abroad in lieu of college. However, in recent years, other players like Satnam Singh, Thon Maker, and Matur Maker have looked to incorporate the NBA draft while still in high school by exploiting the gap where they enter the draft as high school graduates.
Automatic eligibility
Players whose 19th birthday falls during or before the draft calendar year, or at least one year are removed from their high school graduation grade, and who do not meet the criteria for "international" players are automatically eligible if they meet any of the following criteria:
- They have completed their four-year college eligibility.
- If they graduate from high school in the US, but do not enroll in a US college or university, four years have passed since their high school graduation class.
- They have signed contracts with professional basketball teams outside the NBA, anywhere in the world, and have played under that contract. They must also be released from their contract before they can leave college to go to the NBA
Those who have reached the minimum age of 19 and meet the criteria for "international" players are automatically eligible if they meet any of the following criteria:
- They are at least 22 during the draft calendar year.
- They have signed a contract with a professional basketball team outside the NBA in the United States , and have played under that contract.
"Incoming" players
Players who do not automatically qualify but want to be conceptualized must state their eligibility no later than 60 days prior to the draft. After this date, early "sign-in" players can attend NBA pre-draft camps and individual team exercises to showcase their skills and get feedback on their draft positions. Under the CBA, the player may withdraw his name from the consideration of the draft at any time before the date of the final declaration, which is 10 days before the draft. However, the NCAA adopted a rule in force in August 2009 that requires players in member institutions to withdraw at least 8 May to maintain their college eligibility; the first draft affected by this rule is the 2010 draft. In 2011, the NCAA shortened the time for players to withdraw and retain eligibility for one day before the start of the signing spring for men's basketball, which occurred in April. The NCAA changed the withdrawal rule in 2016, effective with the draft of that year; The withdrawal deadline is now at the end of May, specifically 10 days after the last day of the annual NBA Draft Combine.
A player who claims to draft will lose his college eligibility, even if he is not recruited, if he signs a contract with any agent. Prior to 2016, the NCAA allowed only players to enter the draft once without losing eligibility, but the current NCAA rules now allow players to state and draw from multiple drafts while maintaining college eligibility. CBA allows players to step back twice.
Definition of international players
The CBA defines "international players" for draft purposes as those who meet all of the following criteria:
- Stay out of the US for at least three years before design while playing basketball outside the US.
- Have never signed up for a US college or university.
- Did not finish high school in the US.
Note that this definition is very different from what the NBA uses in the "international players" list in their team names list. To that end, the league defines "international players" specifically as someone born outside the United States 50 or the District of Columbia.
High School player reaction
In the annual high school Hoops magazine, players are weighing up the subject of new rules regarding design feasibility. Many of them feel that it is not fair. Kansas State student Bill Walker says (as a junior in high school), "I'm against it, I do not understand why you should be 19 years old to play a basketball game when you're 18 and go to war for our country and die. "Jerryd Bayless said:" It's not fair at all, if a tennis player can be a pro player at 13, I do not understand why a basketball player can not be a pro player at the age of 18. The number one possibility of choosing high school, if the rule is not enforced, is Greg Oden (though he is still the first elected in 2007). When asked about the agreement, he said, "It's not fair, but it's over now, so there's no reason to complain." Regardless of the claim that the rule was unfair, Wayne Ellington of North Carolina, said that "... I also think it will help the league a bit." Some people who come, as of this year's draft, will help. Brandan Wright says that "It can hurt people who need money, but it will help people grow and develop."
On the specific topic of Oden entering the draft, Jack Keefer, high school coach at Lawrence North, Indiana, said, "I really think he thinks he's going to college.He seems more comfortable with himself right now.I think stress comes with worrying about the NBA. "
While many high school players only accept that this is just how, some object to this rule. They say that it puts excessive stress on them because they start being recruited in their first year of high school. If they have a bad season it could ruin their chances of getting into college and therefore into the NBA. It can also be stressful choosing a college to play on, which can be unnecessary stress if a player decides to leave after just one year.
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In March 2015, following a series of meetings that began in the 2014 Final Four 2014, the NBA, the NCAA, and the trade association for male college coaches, the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC), announced plans to lend underclassmen a better opportunity to make informed decisions about their NBA status rather than the current system. Under this plan:
- The NCAA no longer automatically treats entry into the draft as confiscation of the rest of the college's eligibility. Instead, it will allow the underclassmen to withdraw from the draft by the end of May, about five weeks after the deadline of the moment, and retain their remaining eligibility (as long as they do not sign with the professional basketball agent or team in the meantime). Initial entry deadlines and NBA withdrawals, 60 days each and 10 days prior to the draft, will not change as they are written into the collective bargaining agreement of the league.
- The NBA will expand its combined draft invitation, currently being held in Chicago, to include players with college finances remaining (which must also be invited to attend). Another goal of this expansion is to enable lower-grade students to receive feedback from the NBA team on the prospects of their draft. According to one NCAA executive, the expanded joint will involve 20 to 30% more players than about 70 people who participated at the time.
The NCAA regulatory changes officially submitted by the NCAA men's basketball supervisory committee on June 24, 2015, and approved by the NCAA Division I council on January 13, 2016. The new rules, which apply to the 2016 draft, specifically specify a new withdrawal date at 10 days after the end NBA draft combined. In addition, players can declare to draft several times without losing college eligibility, as long as they withdraw before a new deadline without hiring an agent or signing a professional basketball contract, and are now allowed to attend a combined draft and one experiment per year for each NBA team without loss college eligibility. However, it has been stated that commissioner Adam Silver is currently working to change this rule and has met with NCAA officials to make changes for the betterment of NBAA NBA basketball players, teams and coaches.
Notes and references
Source of the article : Wikipedia