In United States , law school is an institution where students obtain professional education in law after earning their first bachelor's degree.
The US law school awarded Juris Doctor (JD.), a professional doctorate, was the highest degree required to practice law in the United States, and the final degree acquired by most practitioners in the field. Although most law schools offer only traditional three-year programs, other variants offered in some US law schools include the Accelerated JD program, and part-time programs (usually completed in four years).
Other degrees awarded include Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Doctor of Juridical Science (J.S.D. or S.J.D.) degrees, which can be more international in scope. Most law schools are colleges, schools, or other units in a larger post-secondary institution, such as a university. Legal education is very different in the United States from that in many other parts of the world.
Video Law school in the United States
In the United States, most law schools require a bachelor's degree, a satisfactory average Bachelor's degree (GPA), and a satisfactory grade on the School Entrance Law Examination (LSAT) as a prerequisite for admission. Some states that have schools not approved by ABA or state accredited schools have equivalence requirements that are typically equivalent to 90 credits to a bachelor's degree. Additional personal factors are evaluated through essays, short answer questions, letters of recommendation, and other application materials. Standards for LSAT scores and scores vary from school to school.
Although undergraduate GPA and LSAT scores are the most important factors considered by the law school admissions committee, individual factors are also rather important. Interviews - either directly or via Skype - are sometimes used as an optional or by-invite application component. Many law schools actively seek applicants from outside the traditional pool to enhance racial, economic, and experiential diversity on campus. Most law schools now factor in extracurricular activities, work experience, and unique courses in the evaluation of their applicants. More and more law school applicants have several years of work experience, and thus fewer law students are coming in immediately after completing their undergraduate education. However, law schools generally only consider undergraduate and non-postgraduate transcripts when considering the applicant for admission. This is due to the fact that it is seen as a more uniform standard for assessing academic achievement.
Many law schools offer large scholarships and grants to many of their students, dramatically reducing the cost of actually attending law school compared to college tuition. Some law schools condition scholarships to maintain a certain GPA.
In 2013 there are 128,641 students enrolled in the JD program at 204 approved ABA law schools.
Maps Law school in the United States
To take the bar exam, most union associations require that applicant law schools be accredited by the American Bar Association. ABA has announced detailed requirements covering every aspect of the law school, down to the appropriate legal library content and the minimum number of minutes of instruction required to receive a law degree. By 2015, there are 205 ABA-accredited junior schools awarding JD., Divided between 200 with full accreditation and 5 with temporary accreditation. The Judge Advocate General Legal Center and School in Charlottesville, Virginia, a school operated by the United States Army post-J.D. program for military lawyers, also ABA-accredited.
Law schools not approved by the ABA have lower bar crossing rates than ABA-approved law schools, and do not submit or disclose employment data to the ABA.
In addition, state legislators or bar inspectors can maintain a separate accreditation system, which is open to schools not accredited to ABA. If that happens, graduates of these schools generally can take exams only in countries where their schools are accredited. California is an example of the country's most famous accreditation. The State Bar of California's Committee of Bar Examiners approved many schools that may not qualify for or request ABA accreditation. Graduates of such schools can take the exam in California, and once they pass the exam, a large number of countries allow the students to sit in their bar (after practicing for several years in California).
California is also the first state to allow graduates of distance legal education (online and correspondence) to take the exam. However, online law schools and correspondence are generally not accredited by ABA or state language testers, and the eligibility of their graduates to take bar exam may vary from state to state. Even in California, for example, the State Bar regards certain online schools as "registered," meaning their graduates can take exams, but also specifically say "the Bar Tester Committee does not approve or accredit correspondence schools." Kentucky goes a step further by specifically disqualifying graduate school correspondence from getting into the bar. This applies even if the graduate has gained recognition in other jurisdictions.
Law students are referred to as 1L , 2L s, and 3L based on the year of their study. In the United States, the American Bar Association does not mandate a special curriculum for 1L . The ABA 302 (a) (1) standard requires only the study of "substantive law" which will lead to "effective and responsible participation in the legal profession." However, most law schools have their own mandatory curriculum for 1L , which usually includes:
These basic courses are intended to provide an overview of the broad legal studies. Not all ABA-approved law schools offer all these courses in 1L; for example, many schools do not offer constitutional and/or criminal law until the second and third years. Most schools also need Evidence but rarely offer courses to first year students. Some schools combine legal research and legal writing into a one-year "lawyers' course, which may also include a small oral argument component.
Since the first year curriculum is always improved, most schools do not allow 1L students to choose their own course schedule, and instead submit their schedules to the new student orientation.
In most schools, the value for an entire course depends on the outcome of just one or two exams, usually in essay form, which is managed through student laptop computers in the classroom with the help of specialized software. Some professors may use partial or full-choice exams if the course material is suited to it (for example, professional responsibility). Legal studies and writing courses tend to have several major projects (some rated, some not) and final exams in essay form. Most schools apply the mandatory value curve (see below).
After the first year, law students are generally free to follow various fields of legal studies, such as administrative law, corporate law, international law, maritime law, intellectual property law, and tax law.
Graduation is a convincing result for the majority of students who pay their tuition, behave respectably and responsibly, maintain the minimum number of units per semester and averaged, take the required top division courses, and successfully complete a certain number of units by the end of six semesters they.
The ABA also requires all students at ABA-approved schools to take an ethics course in professional responsibility. Usually, this is a top-level course; most students take it in 2L. This requirement was added after the Watergate scandal, which seriously damaged the public image of the profession because President Richard Nixon and most of his alleged followers were lawyers. The ABA wants to show that the legal profession can self-regulate and hope to prevent direct federal regulation of the profession.
In 2004, to ensure that research and writing skills of students did not deteriorate, ABA has added the requirements of writing the top division. Legal students must take at least one course, or complete an independent study project, as 2L or 3L which requires writing paper for credit.
Most law courses are less about doctrine and more about learning how to analyze legal issues, reading cases, filtering out facts and applying laws to facts.
In 1968, the Ford Foundation began channeling $ 12 million to persuade law schools to create "law school clinics" as part of their curriculum. The clinic is intended to provide practical experience in legal practice while providing a pro bono representation to the poor. However, conservative critics allege that clinics have been used as a way for professors to engage in left-wing political activism. Critics cited Ford Foundation's financial involvement as a turning point as the clinic began to change from providing practical experience to engaging in advocacy.
Law schools offering accelerated JD programs have unique curriculum for such programs. However, ABA-approved law schools with JD Accelerated programs must comply with ABA rules.
Finally, it should be noted that the emphasis in law schools is rarely on the laws of a particular country where law schools sit, but in general law throughout the country. Although this makes studying for exams more difficult because one has to study a particular state law, an emphasis on legal skills over legal knowledge can benefit law students not intending to practice in the same country they attend law school.
Value, gradient, and IPK curve
The grades in law schools are very competitive. Most schools are rated in curves. In most law schools, the first year curve (1L) is much lower than the courses taken after the first year of law school.
Many schools use a "median" rating system, which can range from "B-plus median" to "C-minus median". Some professors are obliged to determine the correct median exam or papers in terms of quality (eg, the best 26 of 51), giving the paper the relevant value depending on the system used, and then assessing other exams based on how much better or worse than the median. Some schools, such as Yale Law School, Stanford Law School, Harvard Law School and the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, and Northeastern University School of Law have alternative assessment systems that offer less emphasis (or no emphasis) on rank. Other schools, such as Fordham Law School of New York, use a much more demanding assessment system in which the exact percentage of students receive a certain grade. For example, such a system may require the professor to provide minimum and maximum values ​​of "A" and "F" (e.g. 3.5%/7% A and 4.5%/10% F). Many professors are angry at the lack of wisdom provided by such a system, especially the failures required by a number of students whose performance may be below average but not, in the professor's estimate, deserve a failing grade. The "median" system seeks to provide some parity between the teacher's scoring scales while providing the teacher's wisdom to deliver values ​​below the median only when appropriate.
Even with curved gradations, some law schools such as Syracuse University College of Law still have a "Dismissal for Academic Shortage" policy, in which students who fail to meet the minimum GPA are excluded from school.
One school that has deviated from the common competitive rating system for most American law schools is the Northeastern University School of Law. Northeastern does not have an average grade or class grade system. By contrast, schools use a narrative evaluation system to measure student performance.
An anonymous classification system known as blind grading is used in many law schools in the United States. This is intended to counter the bias by the graders. An examination booklet is randomly numbered, usually by the Clerk's Office, and the score is associated with the student only after the assessment is completed. General adoption for blind assessment follows the acceptance of large numbers of minority students to law schools.
JD Accelerated Program
Accelerated JD programs can refer to any of the following:
- A program that combines a bachelor's degree with a juris doctor degree ("3 3 JD program" or "BA to a JD program").
- Holds a two-year-old jurisdiction offered within a short period of time, separate from a bachelor's degree ("2 year JD program").
As a result of student concerns about time and costs (both in terms of tuition fees and the opportunity costs associated with the above salary for three years) required to complete a law degree, there has been a tendency to develop an accelerated JD program.
Pedagogical method
Most law school education in the United States is based on the standards developed by Christopher Columbus Langdell and James Barr Ames at Harvard Law School during the 1870s. Professors generally lead class debates on issues in selected court cases, compiled into "books" for each course. Traditionally, law professors have chosen not to lecture widely, and instead use Socrates methods to force students to teach each other based on their individual understanding of legal theories and the facts of the case at hand.
Many law schools continue to use the Socratic method - which consists of summoning students randomly, asking him about arguments made in assigned cases, asking students whether he agrees with arguments, and then using a series of questions designed to express the logical flaws in student arguments. The exam usually involves interpreting the facts of a hypothetical case, determining how legal theories apply to the case, and then writing the essay. This process is intended to train students in the method of reasoning necessary to correctly interpret theories, laws, and precedents, and to deny their validity, whether oral or written. In contrast, most civil law countries base their legal education on lectures and oral examinations, which are more suited for the mastery of complex civil codes.
This teaching style often confuses first-year law students who are more accustomed to taking notes from the professor's lectures. Most cash books do not clearly explain the law; Instead, they force students to interpret the case and draw the basic legal concept of the case itself. As a result, many publishers market an outline of law schools that briefly summarize the basic concepts of each field of law, and the outline is highly sought after by many students, although some professors do not recommend its use.
Legal pedagogy has also been criticized by scholars like Alan Watson in his book, The Shame of Legal Education. Some law schools, such as the Savannah Law School, have changed direction and created a collaborative learning environment to enable students to work directly with each other and professors to model teamwork from a lawyer who handles a case.
For the purpose of passing state exams, some law school graduates find inadequate law school instruction, and resort to special bar review programs from private course providers. Reviews of this bar usually consist of lectures, often recorded video.
Until the end of the 19th century, law schools were not common in the United States. Most people enter the legal profession through the law of reading, a form of independent study or an apprenticeship, often under the supervision of an experienced lawyer. This practice usually consists of reading classical legal texts, such as Edward Coke The Institute of English Law and William Blackstone Comments on English Law .
In colonial America, as in England at the time, law school did not exist. In the years following the American Revolution, universities such as the College of William and Mary and the University of Pennsylvania formed "Chair in Law". Columbia College appointed its first Law Professor, James Kent, in 1793. Those who held this position were the only legal education suppliers (per se) for their institution - though the law, of course, was discussed in other academic fields as a matter of course - and delivering lectures designed to complement, instead of replacing, internships.
The first institution established for the purpose of a single law teaching is the Litchfield Law School, established by Judge Tapping Reeve in 1784 to organize a large number of potential apprentices or college attendees whom he or she is interested in. Despite the success of the institution, and similar programs established thereafter at Harvard University (1817), Dickinson College (1834), Yale University (1843), Albany Law School (1851), and Columbia University (1858), the presence of law schools will remain become a rare exception in the profession. Internships would become the norm until the 1890s, when the American Bar Association (formed in 1878) began pressuring countries to limit entry to bars for those who had completed several graduate years satisfactorily. In 1906, the American Law School Association adopted the requirement that law schools comprise a three-year study program.
Women were not allowed in most law schools during the 1800s and early 1900s. "The first woman recorded to have received a law degree was Ada Kepley from Union College of Law in Illinois (Northwestern)" in 1870. Some law schools that permit women before most of the others are the Buffalo Law School which "began in 1887... and open to women and immigrant groups "; University of Iowa who "recognizes women as law students" at least since 1869; University of Michigan; and Boston University Law School who began to accept women in 1872. "In 1878 two women were successfully sued for first-year honors at Hastings Law School," one of whom was Clara S. Foltz. Ellen Spencer Mussey and Emma Gillett founded the Washington Law School for women and men in 1898 (now known as, American University Washington College of Law).
The difficulties for female law students are increasingly exacerbated by the fact that courts do not allow women to be accepted as lawyers, as shown in the well-known case involving Myra Bradwell as plaintiff at Bradwell v. Illinois (1870). ). The federal court was later opened to women in 1878 for a successful campaign by Belva Ann Lockwood.
Elite law schools remain closed to women for a while. Encouraged by the suffragist movement for women, Harvard Law School began considering admitting women in 1899 but to no avail. Partly in response to the pressure of the suffragist movement and the reluctance of elite law schools to open their doors, "in 1908, Portia Law School was founded in Boston" which later became the New England Law School and was the only law school at a time with "all female student body ". In 1915, due to Harvard's refusal to recognize women, Cambridge Law School for Women was established as an alternative to elite law school, and as much as possible a replica of the Harvard Law School that made it possible to make it. "World War I encouraged the movement to accept women to law school, and in 1918, Fordham Law School and Yale Law School began to receive women.The Northeastern University Law Faculty, at the time of the YMCA institution, began to recognize women in 1923. Harvard Law School receiving women until 1950. In 1966, Notre Dame Law School began to recognize women.
Despite all these advances, "[i] in 1963, women had only 2.7 percent of the profession.In the academic year 1969-70, only 6.35 percent of the candidates in law school were women." The general attitude has been mentioned several times by Hillary Clinton, who recalled that she had been accepted at Harvard Law School in 1969 but had been rejected by a professor who told her at a student recruitment party, "we no longer need women at Harvard." go to Yale Law School instead.) The presence of women in law school did increase significantly in the next 10 years. "In 1968, 3,704 of the 62,000 law students in approved schools were women, in 1979, there were 37,534 women of 117,279 students at approved schools" although still represented in greater proportion in less elite legal schools. By 2016, the number of women enrolled in ABA-approved law schools reaches the majority (50.09%), with female students comprising 55,766 of a total of 111,327.
Credentials available when in law school
In every US law school, the main credentials include:
- Legal review/membership journal journal or editorial position (by value or writing competition or both). This is important for at least three reasons. First, as determined by the value or ability to write, membership is a strong indicator of academic performance. This leads to a second reason, namely that prospective employers sometimes use law review members in their hiring criteria. Third, work on law review exposes students to get legal scholarships and editing, and often allows students to publish significant portions of legal scholarship on themselves. Most law schools have "featured" journals that are usually called " School name Legal Review" (eg, Harvard Law Review - though some schools mention their main journals " school Journal of Laws "; see Yale Law Journal ) that publishes articles on all areas of the law, and one or more other specialized journals that publish articles about only certain areas of the law (eg < i> Harvard Journal of Law & Technology ).
- Membership or moot court award (based on oral and written arguments). Success in pseudo-judges can distinguish someone as an outstanding oral advocate and provide a level of practical legal training that is often absent in law review membership. Court courts and related activities, such as Trial Advocacy and Dispute Resolution, may appeal specifically to entrepreneurs hiring for litigation positions, such as the district attorney's office.
- Membership mocking and test awards (based on test-level advocacy skills) can also distinguish one as an outstanding trial advocate and help develop "real-world" skills that are often valuable to entrepreneurs hiring for litigation positions.
- Coif membership order (based on average score). This is often coupled with Latin reverence (summa and magna cum laude, though often not cum laude). However, a minority of law schools in the US do not have the sequence of Coif chapters.
State and federal court clause
On the basis of student credentials, as well as favorable faculty recommendations, some students get one or two years of employment with a judge upon graduation. It is becoming more common for scribes to start after a few years in private practice. Clerkships is possible with state or federal judges.
Clerkships is intended to provide recent law school graduates with experience working for a judge. Often, the scribe engages in significant legal research and writes for judges, writes memos to assist judges in reaching legal conclusions in some cases, and writes opinion drafts based on judge decisions. The appeals court officer, though generally more prestigious, does not always provide a practical experience in the daily life of a lawyer in private practice. The average litigator may get more from a court of law appointment, where he will learn about the practice of the movement, deal with the lawyer, and generally learn how a court works inside. What an attorney might lose in the prestige he may gain in experience.
In general, scribes provide other valuable assets to a young lawyer. Judges often become mentors for young scribes, giving young lawyers with experienced individuals to whom he can go for advice. Colleagues clerks can also become lifelong friends and/or professional connections. Those who are considering academics should get a federal appeals court appeal, as the officer provides a great opportunity to think at a very high level of law.
Clerkships is a great experience for new lawyers, and law schools encourage graduates to engage in authorship to broaden their professional experience. However, there are not enough scribes to accommodate all academically qualified graduates.
Supreme Court US Clause
Some law school graduates may become scribes for one of the Judges in the Supreme Court (each Judge requires two to four scribes per year). Often, these clerks are elite law school graduates, with Harvard, Yale, the University of Chicago, the University of Michigan, Columbia, the University of Virginia, and Stanford being one of the most represented schools. Justice Clarence Thomas is the main exception to the rule that the Judge employs employees from an elite school; he proudly chose scribes from non-top-tier schools, and publicly noted that his employees had been attacked on the Internet as "third-rate garbage". Most Supreme Court clerks have enrolled in lower courts, often for a year with highly selective federal court judges (such as Judge Alex Kozinski, Michael Luttig, J. Harvie Wilkinson, David Tatel, Richard Posner, to name a few). Perhaps this is the most selective and prestigious position a newly graduated lawyer has, and Supreme Court employees are often highly sought after by law firms, government and law schools. The law firm gives the Supreme Court clerk a $ 250,000 bonus for signing with their company. Most Supreme Court clerks become academics in elite law schools, entering private practice as appeals lawyers, or taking highly selective government positions.
Controversy involving US law schools
Employment statistics and salary information
After JD , a large study of graduates who passed the exam, found that even low-grade law graduates typically make six ($ 100,000) incomes within 12 years of graduation. Higher school graduates typically earn more than $ 170,000. The Economic Values ​​of Laws , studies studied by colleagues who include law graduates who do not pass exams and do not practice law, found that law graduates in the 25th percentile of earning ability typically earn about $ 20,000 more each year from which they will earn only with a bachelor's degree. Graduates in the 75th percentile earn about $ 80,000 more per year than they might get with a college degree. However, only about 60 to 70 percent of law graduates practice law. Some authors have criticized the work information provided directly by law schools; However, this study reports information provided directly by law graduates, and in the case of recent studies, collected by the US Census Bureau as part of a wider economic survey.
New York Times negative press coverage
Beginning in 2011, American law school was the subject of a series of critical articles in major news publications, beginning with a series of New York Times articles by David Segal. Such articles have reported the debt burden of law graduates, the difficulty of getting a job in the legal profession, and inadequate practical training in American law schools. A number of critics have pointed out the factual inaccuracies and logical errors in the New York Times higher education coverage, especially with regard to law schools.
More press coverage by some high school journalists has noted that peer reviewed studies and comprehensive data show that law graduates are still financially better off than they would if they did not attend law school, despite the challenges facing new graduates.
In 2011, several law schools were sued for deceptive fraud and job placement statistics. Most of these outfits have been dismissed on the basis of their benefits.
In 1995, the US Department of Justice sued the American Bar Association, the United States law school accrediting body, for allegedly violating the Sherman Antitrust Act. The settlement of a law prohibiting ABA uses the salary of a lecturer or administrator as an accreditation criterion.
Political balance
Liberal professors claim that there is a conservative bias in law schools, particularly in the fields of law and economics and business law. The liberals also argue for affirmative action to increase the representation of women and minorities among law students and law faculty.
Conservative professors have shown that liberals are represented among professors in elite law schools.
Legal school rating
There are different law school grades, each with different emphases and different methodologies. Most emphasize inputs or results that are easily measured (ie results immediately after graduation); none of which measures added value or long-term outcomes. In general, this rank is controversial, not universally accepted as authoritative.
The US. News and World Report regularly publishes a list of "100 Top Law Schools" based on various qualitative and quantitative factors, for example, incorporating LSAT and student's GPA, reputation survey, expenditure per student, etc. The news rating strongly emphasizes input - the value and value of the student exams, law school expenses - but includes some results such as the bar section and work immediately upon graduation. The US News Rank is highly weighted towards "reputation", as measured by surveys with small sample sizes and low response rates. The value of reputation is strongly correlated with the reputation score of previous years and may not reflect changes in the quality of law schools over time.
The Social Science Research Network - a storage place for concepts and a complete scholarship in law and social sciences - publishes a monthly ranking of law schools based on the number of times scholarships faculty members download. Ranking is available based on the number of downloads, number of downloads in the last 12 months, and downloads per faculty member to match the different agency sizes. SSRN also assigns a ranking of each member of the law school faculty to this metric.
Brian Leiter developed a series of routine evaluations called "Brian Leiter 's Law School Reports" where he and other commentators discuss law schools. The Leiter rating tends to emphasize the quality and quantity of faculty scholarships, as measured by quotations in select groups of journals.
Some other ranking systems are explicitly designed to focus on the results of work on or soon after graduation, including ratings by the National Law Journal, and Above the Law. The National Journal of Law provides a comparison of employment-based ratings with the US News ranking. For students who are primarily interested in profitable work outcomes rather than academic prestige, this comparison can show which law schools are least appreciated by the market.
AS. Rankings and Earnings News
Graduates from the top 14 law schools tend to have higher incomes, on average, than graduates from 190 other law schools. The 14 schools, alphabetically, are: California-Berkeley, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, University of Michigan, New York University, Northwestern, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, University of Virginia and Yale. In addition, graduates with a higher GPA of law schools tend to have higher incomes than students with low law school GPA. Even non-elite law school graduates who pass the exam and work full-time usually earn nearly $ 100,000 per year within seven years after graduating law school.
It is unclear whether attending a higher-ranked law school provides a greater boost to law school graduate income than attending a lower-ranked law school. Higher earnings and better outcomes for higher-ranked law graduates may be attributed to these students greater earning potential compared to lower-ranked law graduates before they attend law school - higher standardized test scores and GPA scholars, rich families and friends, etc. One study showed that, after controlling students who entered credentials, income and job outcomes were better in ABA-approved law schools that ranked lower than in higher-ranked law schools - that is, higher ranked law schools low can do more to improve the results than the higher ranking schools.
National and national lower level level
Most law schools outside the top are more regional and often have strong regional connections with these post-graduate opportunities. For example, a student who graduated from a low-level law school can find opportunities in the school's "home market": a legal market containing many of the school's alumni, where most of the school's network and career development energy are focused. Conversely, top-level law schools may be limited in terms of job opportunities to the vast geographical area that law school is full of.
Many schools are authorized or accredited by the state and some have operated continuously for over 95 years. Most are located in Alabama, California, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Tennessee, and in Puerto Rico. Some government law schools are retained to offer non-ABA options, experimenting with lower cost options.
Law school graduates who are not approved by ABA have a much lower bar expulsion rate than the same graduates of ABA-approved law school in the same country.
Schools without accreditation
Some schools are not accredited by the state or the American Bar Association. Most are located in California. Schools like California are registered and licensed to operate by The State Bar of California's Committee of Bar Examiners (CBE), but are not accredited by CBE. Their first year students are required to take the First Year Law Student Exam ("Baby Bar"), which then gives them permission to continue their studies the following year. Graduates of these schools can then take the California Bar exam. After they passed the Bar, they got a license to practice law in California. However, many other jurisdictions do not allow law school graduates who are not accredited to take the exam. In California, non-ABA approved law school graduates have a much lower bar crossing rate than the same graduates of ABA-approved law school in the same country.
The oldest active legal school
The law schools are listed by date since it was first established.
- The Marshall-Wythe School of Law (College of William & Mary's) was established in 1779 (closed in 1861 and reopened in 1920)
- The University of Maryland's Law Faculty was founded in 1816, holding its first class in 1824 (closed during the American Civil War and reopened shortly after its expiry)
- Harvard Law School was founded in 1817
- The University of Virginia Law School was founded in 1819
- Yale Law School was founded in 1824
- The University of Cincinnati College of Law was founded in 1833
- Pennsylvania State University Dickinson Law School founded 1834
- The Faculty of Law of the University of New York was founded in 1835 Indiana University Maurer School of Law was founded in 1842
- The Saint Louis University Law School was founded in 1843 (closed in 1847 and reopened in 1908)
- The Law Faculty of North Carolina University was founded in 1845
- Louis D. Brandeis School of Law (University of Louisville) founded 1846
- The Cumberland School of Law was founded in 1847
- Tulane University Law School was founded in 1847
- Mississippi University Law School was founded in 1848
- The Washington and Lee University School of Law was founded in 1849
- Baylor University Law School was founded in 1849 (closed in 1883 and rebuilt in 1920)
- The University of Pennsylvania Law Faculty was founded in 1850
- Albany Law School was founded in 1851.
See also
- List of law schools in the United States
- List of law schools attended by US Supreme Court Justices
- Law School Admission Council
- School of correspondence law
Source of the article : Wikipedia