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Secondary education in the United States - Wikipedia
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In most jurisdictions, secondary education in the United States refers to the last four years of formal formal education (grade nine to twelfth grade) either in high school or divided between the last year 'junior high school' and three in high school.

Video Secondary education in the United States


The United States has historically had a demand for general skills rather than specialized training/apprenticeship. High school enrollment increases when schools at this level become free, legislation requires children to attend to a certain age, and it is believed that every American student has the opportunity to participate regardless of their abilities.

In 1892, in response to many of the competing academic philosophies promoted at the time, a group of working teachers, known as the "Ten Committees" was established by the National Education Association. It suggests twelve years of instruction, which consists of eight years of elementary education followed by four years of secondary school. Rejecting the suggestion that secondary schools should divide students into college-bound groups and work from scratch, and in some cases also with racial or ethnic backgrounds, they unanimously recommend that "any subjects taught at all in high school should is taught in the same way and at the same level for each disciple as long as he or she pursue it, no matter what the student's goal may be, or at what point his education stops. "

At the turn of the 20th century, it is common for high schools to have entrance exams that limit entry to less than 5 percent of the population in preparation for college. Most are expected to be ready for work or family after junior high school.

Public junior high schools began around the 1830s and 40s in richer areas with the same level of income and greatly developed after the American Civil War entered the 1890s.

Between 1910 and 1940, the "high school movement" resulted in the rapid rise of public high schools in many towns and cities and then with further expansion in each region by the formation of local, district, or community high schools in big cities may have owned one or two schools since the 19th century. The rate of participation and graduation of secondary and tertiary schools increases sharply, primarily because of the construction of new schools, and the practical curriculum is based on improving "life skills" rather than "for college". There is a shift towards local decision-making by the school district, and an easy and open enrollment policy. The shift from theoretical to more practical approaches in the curriculum also results in an increase in skilled blue-collar workers. The nature of open enrollment and relatively casual standards, such as the ease of repeating classes, also contributed to the boom in high school. There is an increase in educational attainment, especially from grassroots building and commissioning high schools. By the middle of the century, comprehensive secondary schools became common, designed to provide free education to students who chose to stay in school for 12 years to get a diploma with a minimum average grade.

In 1954, the case of the Supreme Court Brown v. The Education Council has made mandatory primary and secondary school desegregations, although private Christian schools are growing rapidly following this rule to accommodate white families who seek to avoid desegregation.

In 1955, the high school enrollment rate in the United States was about 80%, higher than the enrollment rate in most or all European countries. The objective is to minimize the amount that comes out at the mandatory attendance age, which varies according to circumstances between 14 and 18 years, and becomes considered to be dropping out, at the risk of economic failure.

In 1965, the far-reaching Elementary and Secondary Education Act ('ESEA'), ratified as part of the "War against Poverty" President Lyndon B. Johnson, provided temporary and temporary funding for primary and secondary education ('Title I funding') explicitly prohibits the establishment of a national curriculum. It emphasizes equal access to education and sets high standards and accountability. The bill also aims to shorten the achievement gap between students by providing each child with a fair and equal opportunity to achieve exceptional education.

After 1980, growth in educational attainment declined, leading to the growth of educated labor slows.

Under the educational reform movement started in the early 1990s by many state and federal legislatures, about two-thirds of state high school students were required to pass graduation exams, usually at grade 10 and above, although nothing new. the state has adopted new requirements in 2006. This requirement has become the object of controversy when countries begin to hold diplomas, and the right to attend start-up exercises, if a student does not meet the standards set by the state.

Pressure to enable people and organizations to create a new Charter school developed during the 1980s and embraced by the American Teachers Federation in 1988. It is a legally and financially autonomous public school free of many state and local laws, and more responsible for student outcome not for process or input. Minnesota was the first state to pass a charter school law in 1991. In 2009 charter schools operated in 41 states (and the District of Columbia) and 59% of whom had a waiting list.

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires all public schools to receive federal funds to manage statewide standard tests every year for all students. Schools that receive funding Title I must make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the test scores (eg every year, fifth graders should perform better on standardized tests than in the fifth grade of the previous year) and Schools who lose AYP for the second year in a row, are publicly labeled. such as in need of improvement, and students have the option to move to a better school in the school district, if any. Standard-based education has been embraced in many states that change the measure of success for academic achievement, rather than completion of 12 years of education. In 2006, two-thirds of students lived in states with effective standards requiring graduation tests to ensure that all graduates have achieved this standard.

Maps Secondary education in the United States


The authority to regulate education is constitutionally with each country, with direct authority from the US Congress and the federal US Department of Education limited to federal constitutional rights and enforcement. However, large indirect authorities are implemented through federal funding for national programs and block grants although there is no obligation for any country to receive these funds. The US government may also propose, but it can not enforce national goals, targets, and standards, which generally fall outside of its jurisdiction.

Many high schools in the United States offer a selection of curriculum prep school or college. Schools offering vocational programs include a very high level of technical specialization, for example, automated mechanics or carpentry, with a half-day/approved work program in the senior year as the goal of this program is to prepare students for a job without college degree. The level of specialization given varies depending on the state and district where the school is located.

Many countries require courses in the "core" field of English, science, social studies, and maths every year even though others allow more choice after class 10. The majority of secondary schools require four English credits to graduate.

Generally, three science courses are required. Biology, chemistry, and physics are usually offered. Courses such as physical science and life serve as an introductory alternative to these classes. Other science studies include geology, anatomy, astronomy, health sciences, environmental science, and forensic science.

The secondary school math courses usually include pre-algebra classes, algebra I, geometry, algebra II w/trigonometry. Further study options may include precalculus, calculus, statistics, and discrete mathematics in general with the opportunity to obtain Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) accreditations. Usually, only three mathematics credits are required for graduation (though four are recommended).

English/Language classes are usually required for four years of high school although many schools count journalism, speaking public/debates, foreign languages, literature, drama, and writing (both technical and creative) as English/Bahasa classes.

Social science classes include world history, US history, government, and economics. Government and economic classes are sometimes combined as two semesters in a year. Additional study options may include classes in law (constitutional, criminal, or international), criminal justice, sociology, and psychology.

Many states require a health or fitness program to graduate. Classes usually include basic anatomy, nutrition, first aid, sexual education, and how to make responsible decisions about drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. In some places, contraception is not allowed to be taught for religious reasons. In some places, health and physical education classes are combined into one class or offered in alternate semesters. In some private schools, such as Catholic schools, theology is required before a student passes. Two years of physical education (usually referred to as "gym," "PE" or "phys ed" by students) is usually necessary, although some states and school districts require that all students take Physical Education every semester.


Public schools offer a wide variety of elective courses, although the availability of these courses depends on the financial situation of each school. Some schools and states require students to earn some credits from the class that is considered an option, the most common foreign language and physical education.

Common types of options include:

  • Visual arts (drawing, sculpting, painting, photography, film studies, and art history)
  • Performing arts (choir, drama, band, orchestra, dance, guitar)
  • Vocational education (carpentry, metalworking, computer aid design, car repair, agriculture, makeup, FFA)
  • Computer science/information technology (word processor, computer programming, graphic design, computer club, Web design and web programming, video game design, music production, film production)
  • Journalism/publishing (school newspaper, yearbook, television production)
  • Foreign languages ​​(French, German, Italian and Spanish are common; Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Greek, Latin, Korean, Dutch and Portuguese are less common, though the first two are gaining popularity.)
  • Business Education (Accounting, Data Processing, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Business, Information and Communication Technology, Management, Marketing and Secretariat)
  • Family and consumer science/health (nutrition, nursing, culinary, child development, and additional physical load education and training classes)
  • Junior Leadership Training Corps (In some schools, JROTC may replace health credits or P.E.)
  • Some American high schools offer education for drivers. In some schools, a student can take it during school as a regular course to earn credit. In some schools, driver education courses are available only after school.

The Association for Careers and Technical Education is the largest US association dedicated to promoting this type of education.

has donated $29 million for the development of secondary education ...
src: scienews.com

Education level

Middle school/junior high school

Middle schools, or junior high schools, are schools that reach grades 7, 8, and sometimes 5, 6 and 9, which straddle primary and secondary education. Upon arrival in high school or junior high school, students begin enrolling in class schedules where they take classes from several teachers on a particular day. Classes usually consist of four or five (if a foreign language is included in the curriculum) of the core academic class (English or "language arts," science, math, history or "social studies," and in some schools, foreign languages) with two to four Other classes, either option classes, additions, or academic improvement classes.

Some students also start taking foreign language classes or advanced math and science classes in high school. Usually schools will offer Spanish and French; and, often German; and, sometimes Latin; Chinese, Japanese, and/or Greek. In addition to Pre-Algebra and other high school math preparation courses, Algebra I and Geometry are both taught. Schools also offer Earth Sciences, Life Science, or Physics classes. Physical education classes (also called "PE", "phys ed", Kinesiology, or with the old term, "gym") are usually mandatory for different periods. For social studies, some schools offer US History, Geography, and History classes.

Most also have an "honors" class for motivated and talented students, where higher and more educational quality is expected of registered students.

Successful completion of secondary or junior high school leads to secondary schooling.


The secondary school consists of grades 9 or 10 to 12. Most high school Americans are comprehensive high school and accept all students from the local area, regardless of vocational or college capabilities or pathways. Students have significant control over their education, and can choose even their core classes, although the controls provided to students vary from country to country and school to school. Schools are managed by the local school district and not by the central government.

Some states and cities offer special high schools with exams to accept only outstanding students, such as Boston Latin School or Alexandria, Thomas Jefferson College in Virginia. Other secondary schools serve the arts. Several schools have been established for students who are not successful with normal academic standards; while others, such as Harvey Milk High School, have even been created for special social groups such as LGBT students.

Most states operate special residential schools for the blind and deaf, although large numbers of these students are mainstreamed into standard schools. Some operate residential high schools for highly talented students in specific fields such as science, mathematics, or the arts. A small number of secondary schools are operated by the Department of Defense in military bases for children of military personnel.

Most high schools have a class known as the "honors" class for motivated and talented students, where higher and more educational quality is expected of registered students. Some high schools offer Regular Honors ( H ) (sometimes called Advanced), Advanced Placement ( AP ) or International Baccalaureate ( IB ) course, which is a special form of honor class. International schools offering courses in accordance with the system of foreign education, such as English and French, are also available. Some schools also offer double enrollment programs, where selected university classes can be taken for university and high school credits.

Graduation from high school leads to the award of a high school diploma. After secondary education is considered completed and students can continue tertiary level studies.

List of the oldest public high schools in the United States ...
src: upload.wikimedia.org

School type

Secondary education can be provided in a number of different schools and settings.

Public schools

Main article: Education in the United States

The US public education system is structured into three levels: primary education (also known as primary education), secondary and secondary (secondary) schools, and college or university education levels (also known as post-secondary education). Schooling begins at age 5-6 and ends anywhere from 16-18 depending on the school system, state policy, and student progress. Pre-School or Pre-Kindergarten received as young as age 3 and is not required. From there the education model is different because the primary school can survive from grade 5 to grade 8 depending on its structure. Some states have secondary schools that are part of secondary education and between primary and secondary schools covering grades from 6 to 9, while others have no secondary school and instead incorporate mixed schools. SMAs are generally grades 9-12, with the exception of the mixed model 7-12. All children are entitled to free and free primary and secondary education while living within the jurisdiction of the United States irrespective of race, sex, ability, citizen status, religion or economic status. Public education in the United States is primarily the responsibility of state and local administration levels. In 2010-2011 about 13,588 school districts exist where about 98,800 public schools exist in the United States. Only 8% of the funds for public schools come from non-federal sources, the other 92% mostly come from state and local funds. The curriculum requirements vary by state depending on the state and local school district, in addition to national associations where applicable, to come and be approved by the federal government in order for them to receive funding. Most schools marked proficiency in the subject through the A-F scoring scale that accumulated over the years creating an average grade or G.P.A. Parental involvement is encouraged in the US with many parent-teacher associations or otherwise known as PTA.

Private school

Private schools are schools that are not public, not managed by the government, but function as independent institutions. Private schools range from the kindergarten level to the undergraduate, the various institutions usually accommodating different levels. The majority of private schools have attendance tuition fees In 2013-2014 there are 33,619 private schools in the United States. The majority of private schools in the United States are associated with a religious orientation that reaches 68.7% of all private schools in 2013 - 2014. This is a figure that has an upward trend in the 1989-2005 period, but down about 9% in 2006-2007, increase again.

All independent schools, not limited to private schools alone, must comply with federal laws on non-discrimination and health & privacy. financial security legislation. This includes

- Age Discrimination in Employment Law (for employees or applicants over the age of 40)

- America with Disabilities Act

- Equal Pay Act

- 42 U.S.C. Ã,§ 1981 (racial discrimination)

- Pregnancy Discrimination Law 1979

- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, and/or national origin)

- Uniform Employment Service and Employment Ordinance (employment discrimination or dredging under military service)

- 75-50 Revenue Procedure (independent schools can not discriminate on the ground of race in any program or financial aid)

More specific legal restrictions apply to private schools at the state level and vary by country.

A private school may receive money from the federal government called "Federal financial aid" which may come as funds in the form of grants or loans, donations, assets and property or interests in property, services by federal employees or contracts of intent to receive federal assistance, in the federal program. Schools that receive funding must comply with additional federal regulations that fall under many of the above measures. However, policies may also have exceptions to these rules based on the characteristics of private schools such as having a religious belief that laws will oppose or engage in military development.

Charter School

Charter schools are subject to fewer rules, regulations and laws than traditional state schools, receive less public funding than public schools, usually a fixed amount per pupil and are often over-subscribed.

College prep school

College preparatory schools, commonly referred to as 'preparatory schools', may be publicly funded, charter schools or private secondary schools funded by school fees and philanthropic contributions, and are governed by independent supervisory boards. Less than 1% of students enrolled in schools in the United States attend independent private preparatory schools, a fraction compared to 9% who attend parish schools and 88% attend public schools. Although these schools are not subject to government oversight or regulation, they are accredited by one of the six regional accrediting agencies for educational institutions.

Home schooling

It is estimated that about 2 million or 2.9% of children in the US are educated at home. Home schooling is legal in all 50 states, and although the US Supreme Court has never decided on special homeschooling, in Wisconsin v. Yoder , 406 US 205 (1972) it supports the rights of Amish parents to keep their children out of public schools for religious reasons.

States where CPR Training is Mandatory for High School Graduation ...
src: schoolcpr.com

Teacher certification

Teachers are certified in one of two areas for secondary schools (and in some states, certification can be used to teach 6-12 classes). This certification can overlap. In Missouri, for example, secondary school certification covers grades 6-8, primary school certification covers up to grade 5, and secondary school certification covers grades 9-12. It reflects the various combinations of classes from high school, junior high school, and elementary school. Alternatively, some countries certify teachers in various curricular areas (such as mathematics or history) to teach secondary education.

American Education system for higher studies in USA
src: espiconsultants.com

Compulsory Education

The educational law shall refer to "the legislative mandate that school-aged children [must] attend public, nonpublic, or homeschools until it reaches the prescribed age." In many cases, local school staff enforce compulsory education laws, and all jurisdictions hold the responsible parent/legal guardian to ensure their children/children attend school.


The first compulsory education was required in Massachusetts upon the passing of the Mandatory Attendance Act of 1852. The law requires all children aged eight to fourteen to go to school for three months out of the year, and for the last twelve weeks, six of them must be in order. The only exception to this law is if the child has attended another school for the same amount of time, evidence of the child has learned the material, if they live in poverty, or the child has a physical or mental disability that prevents them from learning the material.

Then, in 1873, the law was revised. The age limit decreases from 14 to 12, but annual attendance requirements increase to 20 weeks a year. In 1918, all US states had such a mandatory attendance law for schools.

Student - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

See also

  • comprehensive high school
  • List of schools in the United States
  • Education in the United States
  • Secondary education
  • Primary education in the United States

Meaan years of Secondary and Post Secondary Education in US year ...
src: i.pinimg.com


High School Dropout Rates - Child Trends
src: www.childtrends.org

Further reading

Afghanistan Ranks Among the Worst Places for Girls to Get an ...
src: foreignpolicymag.files.wordpress.com

External links

  • Digest of Education Statistics, 2004, US Department of Education
  • Percentage of high school dropouts, US Department of Education
  • Consumer Guide: College Drop Out, US Department of Education
  • List of American High School Hall of Fame
  • Occupational Outlook for Secondary School Teachers, Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Financial Advice for New Graduates
  • Ã, Elmer Ellsworth Brown (1920). "Education, Secondary, in America". Encyclopedia Americana .

Source of the article : Wikipedia
