Sony Pictures Animation's Open Season franchise consists of four movies: Open Season (2006), Open Season 2 ( 2009), Open Season 3 (2011), and Open Season: Scared Silly (2016), along with Boog and Elliot's Midnight Bun Run short movies > (2007). The first three are broadcast in Nicktoons in the UK and Ireland all in August 2017. Open Season: Scared Silly is the only film of the franchise that Nicktoons does not broadcast.
Video Open Season (franchise)
Open Season (2006)
In the quiet town of Timberline, a 900-pound grizzly bear named Boog has his perfect reversed world after he meets Elliot, the wrong donkey deer. After Elliot disrupted the Boog nature event, they were finally appeased by the owner of Boog, Ranger Beth, and then his friend Sheriff Gordy told him to release them to Timberline National Forest before the open season was only for 3 days. But when the hunting season arrives, it's up to Boog and Elliot to raise all the other forest animals and turn the tables on the hunters. In the end, Boog decides to stay in the forest and bid farewell to Beth (who has returned to bring Boog home).
Open Season 2 (2008)
One fine spring morning, Elliot prepares for his marriage with Giselle. But little do they know, Bob and Bobbie have left a trail of dog food in the woods for Mr. Weenie followed, which he did and eventually he was brought back home by his owner. Elliot sees this, tells the story to Boog and the others, and they all make a mission to save their friend before he becomes a pet again. In the end, Mr. Weenie thinks he's back with a wild animal, but instead he decides to remain a pet once more and lives with Bob and Bobbie and other domestic workers.
Open Season 3 (2010)
Boog woke up in his cave one morning in the spring and prepared for the journey of the people to start spending more time with his male friends. Unfortunately, they all refused because of family obligations; This made Boog feel bad and took Dinkleman with him on the journey itself, only to discover that it was not a people's journey with just one person. He then staggered over Maslova Family Circus posters, where he met a sly-looking man named Doug, his best friend Alistair, and a little girl bear named Ursa (whom he loved deeply in love with). When Doug tricks Boog into letting him swap places with him, Elliot and the explorers find out about this and set out to save their favorite bear buddies (especially since the circus will return to Russia sooner or later), with Elliot becoming the leader once more. Ultimately, Ursa decides to stay with Boog and his close friends because he does not want to leave him or Elliot and the people's journey becomes a success.
Maps Open Season (franchise)
Short movie
Boog and Elliot's Midnight Bun Run (2007)
Short movies titled Boog and Elliot's Midnight Bun Run are featured on DVD and Blu-ray Open Season .
Box office performance
Critical reception
Cast and crew
- Note : The dark gray cell indicates the characters do not appear in the movie.
Video game
- Open Season is a video game, loosely based on the first movie, and released by Ubisoft on September 18, 2006, on PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Microsoft Windows, Game Boy Advance, Xbox 360, Xbox, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo GameCube. The Wii version was released on November 30, 2006.
Source of the article : Wikipedia