Fourteenth-century Family Guy 's
The series follows the dysfunctional Griffin family, which consists of Peter's father, Lois's mother, Meg's daughter, Chris's son, Stewie's baby and Brian's dog, who live in their hometown of Quahog.
The guest stars for the season include Joe Buck, Kyle Chandler, Glenn Close, Anil Kapoor, Kate McKinnon, John Mellencamp, Ed O'Neill, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Neil deGrasse Tyson.
During this season, people headed to Korea after Quagmire was found to be a Korean soap star ("Candy, Quahog Marshmallow"), Chris became a registered sex actor ("An App a Day"), Stewie had nightmares and sent Brian to his mind to find (Peter), Peter and Lois bought a new mattress ("Guy, Robot"), Peter accidentally got his drinking age raised to 50 ("Under the age of Peter"), Brian and Stewie interested in Adderall ("Pilling Them Softly"), Peter reunited with his estranged brother ("Peter's Sister"), and Chris ran for the king of going home ("Run, Chris, Run").
Video Family Guy (season 14)
Maps Family Guy (season 14)
Source of the article : Wikipedia